Monday, March 2, 2009

As a Christ centered person who knows the seeker of Truth

I am not the Seeker, who is? The answer could be that in reality there is no seeker as such, but instead an impulsive, in-built need to seek something that has been programmed within me. Something within the ego (me) pushes my thought and emotional processes to seek whatever is written in the programming of my mind. However, I think that I want to seek something, when in reality it is the impulse within that pushes me to act. If we take a computer for example, we know that for it to function it needs to have inbuilt special computer programs. In the same manner, we have as human being an innate, ingrained program with which we are born and which I have previously called our natural "blue print" or the "Perfect Model". To make it sound more mystical and nearer to the truth, I have always called this programming with the name of the Psyche. Each human being has of course a Psyche, which has been programmed before incarnation. Therefore the seeking in human beings depends on the programming, over which, we as human beings have no control. Let us take some examples. There are some people who consider themselves seekers of money. Some seek fame. Some seek power. And some seek among other things to known themselves and to know God. This kind of seeking, let's call it spiritual seeking, or seeking Absolute Being or God, and seeking freedom from the ego.Is happening to everyone through the impulses coming from their mind, which bridges and links the Unlimited aspect of Consciousness which is Absolute and Infinite to its “shadow” or limited and subjective aspect that is anchored and engrained in every human being, because each person’s mind has been programmed before birth for a certain kind of seeking to happen.

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